
Robyn Puglia


Nutritional Therapist 

BANT registered Nutritionist

Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner

Robyn has been in full time clinical practice since qualifying in 2009 from the Institute for Optimum Nutrition. She started studying with The Institute for Functional Medicine in 2011 and completed certification with them in 2016. 

She comes from a medical aesthetics background, and while studying nutrition and functional medicine, was the practice manager for a busy W1 Aesthetic Medical practice as well as eventually launching the Functional Medicine arm of their business which is thriving to this day. 

Robyn left full time employment to launch her own private practice in early 2013, and she continues to run this business offering one-to-one consultations, a virtual group class and managing a staff that currently includes two other functional medicine nutritional therapists and is growing each year. 

Her particular interest is in complex cases, unexplained illness and autoimmune disease / coeliac disease.

As well as private practice, since 2008 Robyn has lectured and provided education for various different supplement companies and colleges. She is a popular and well regarded speaker, and has also participated in multiple summits and podcasts on chronic illness, autoimmune disease, applying the functional medicine model, food as medicine and chronic viruses such as EBV.

She has been offering professional mentoring to individuals and groups since 2014, and particularly loves to help those new to Functional medicine, navigate a new way of thinking about the body, wellness and illness, and to learn about different investigative testing, supplements and nutritional and lifestyle interventions. 

Since 2013 Robyn has been a consultant for Regenerus Labs, providing technical support and education on a broad range of subjects including autoimmunity, methylation, organic acids, endocrine topics and testing, toxins and detoxification, infectious agents, investigative GI testing and much more. 

In 2018 Robyn co-founded The Integrative Health Summits with Justin Price and Ben Brown ND, and they launched with The Gestational Journey, an enormously popular two day event. 

Robyn has coeliac disease and is in recovery from CFS, meaning like so many of us has a deeply personal relationship with this industry and what is possible to achieve. 

She is also a mum to two little girls and has a third on the way this summer!