Now A Self-Paced Course

Simply buy the program and get studying!

New dates for the live course coming soon!

There are six modules.

Each module will include four webinars: 2 case study and Q&A sessions, and 2 Q&A sessions.


Histmamine, Oxolates, Salicylates

We will be explore the underlying mechanisms contributing to some of the less well studied intolerances and discuss nutritional, supplement and lifestyle interventions to improve tolerance.

We will also touch on mast cells, and mast cell activation syndrome.



Nutrigenomics studies how environmental factors, such as food intake and lifestyle, influence the expression of the genome.

Genetic differences are known to impact absorption, metabolism, uptake, utilization and excretion of nutrients and food bioactives, which ultimately affects a number of metabolic pathways. Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics are experimental approaches that use genomic information and genetic testing technologies to examine the role of individual genetic differences in modifying our response to nutrients and other food components.



“There are an infinite number of insults to the endothelium, and three finite responses” Dr. Mark Houston.

We’ll explore the the underlying causes and mechanisms behind cardiovascular disease and the most effective strategies to support the cardiovascular system.


The Menopause

Menopause is associated with problematic symptoms, including hot flashes, sleep problems, mood disorders, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, and declines in cognitive functioning. The purpose of this module is to discuss the the underlying mechanisms and the evidence based interventions that support women transition through this stage of life.



Mycotoxins may be a common cause of chronic gastrointestinal conditions, chronic fatigue, pain, sensitivities and autoimmune conditions.

We will discuss:

  • What to look out for re: signs and symptoms.

  • The current tests available.

  • Remediation and building inspection.

  • The different nutritional, supplement and lifestyle interventions that can be considered.


Energy: Mitochondrial Health & CFS

. We will explore the science of mitochondrial health and the underlying mechanisms contributing to CFS. Focusing on clinical practice we will consider:

  • Underlying mechanisms.

  • Potentially helpful functional testing.

  • The mind-body connection.

  • Strategies to optimise mitochondrial health.

  • The importance of cellular health, for systemic health.




Our pledge to you:

Sharing knowledge in an unbiased and non-protocol driven way. We are aiming to inspire, empower and support you all with mentorship, and, community.

There is truly nothing else like this in the UK. 

We LOVE education! We love learning and we love teaching. We are passionate for our industry, for collaboration, for community and those lightbulb moments.

We can’t wait to be supporting you too.